University Life created this website as a resource for engagement; inspired by the words of University Life’s Diversity, Inclusion and Multicultural Education & LGBTQ+ Resources: “NOW is the time to take action. NOW is the time to have those uncomfortable conversations. NOW is the time to engage in and read about anti-racism. NOW is the time to ask, what are we doing to center people and lives that are often not included and systemically vulnerable?”
It is just a beginning. We will continue to add to the information as it becomes available to us. We will continue to evolve in our work towards racial justice. But, if you are here, search through this site and use the provided information to find ways to act, whether in self-reflection or advocacy. Together we can engage in allyship, and accompliceship, and see racial justice and an end to police brutality against Black Americans realized.
Action Items
Mason Resources
- President Washington Announces Task Force on Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence
- Joint Message from Anne Holton and Greg Washington
- Voices from across George Mason University
- Message from Rose Pascarell, Vice President of University Life
- A Statement by the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution at George Mason University Condemning White Supremacy
- A Message from Mason Engineering's Chief Diversity Officer
- A Message from the Dean of the College of Health and Human Services
- A Message from CVPA Dean Rick Davis
- A Message from CEHD Interim Dean Robert Baker
- A Message from Film at Mason Professor Cynthia Fuchs
- Campus Events in Supporting Black Lives
- Coalition Building and Diversity Education
- Diversity, Inclusion and Multicultural Education & LGBTQ+ Resources
- Volunteer to Support ODIME & LGBTQ+ Resources and Student Engagement for Racial Justice Events
- Anti-racism, #BlackLivesMatter, and Civic Action from University Libraries
- Racial Justice Resources from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Counseling and Psychological Services
- Anti-Racist Resources Compiled
- Motivational quotes: Diversity, inclusion, and well-being
- Resilience articles
- Student Health Services
- Thriving Together well-being articles (topics so far include social connection, compassion, kindness, etc.)
The Enslaved Children of George Mason Student Research Project
- The Enslaved Children of George Mason Research Project
- The Enslaved Children of George Mason video
- Listen to the Enslaved People of George Mason podcast from Mason’s Access to Excellence channel
- Listen to RVA Radio Interview on Why GMU Kept George Mason Name
- 'Enslaved Children of George Mason' Project Explores School’s Namesake news article
- Honors College Students Highlight the Lives of Enslaved People at Gunston Hall through Research news article
The Enslaved People of George Mason Memorial
- Memorial To Enslaved People Of George Mason video
- #MasonResearch: Enslaved People of George Mason video
- The Enslaved People Memorial is a Beautiful Balancing Act article in the Fourth Estate, GMU’s student-run news outlet
- GMU to Erect Memorial Honoring More Than 100 People Enslaved by George Mason article in the Washington Post
- Give to the Enslaved People of George Mason Memorial Fund