University Life


The Growth Student

Talent Development Program

Growth Contact

Please reach out with any questions about the Growth Program!
Kaylie Wray, University Career Services (Chair)

Growth Working Group:
Ali Bartow, Student Centers
Dennis Kisielewski, Mason Recreation
Phil Rippa, LEAD
Saskia Campbell, University Career Services (Executive Champion)

The Growth Program is a University Life (UL) student talent development initiative focused on enhancing students’ on-campus employment through developing and evaluating learning outcomes that contribute to post-graduate success. The purpose of the Growth Program is to

  • Provide student employees with the opportunity to gain valuable skills and co-curricular experiences that will enhance their personal development, professional growth, and academic success.
  • Provide student employees and supervisors with the opportunity to discuss performance achievements and address areas that need improvement.
  • Develop student employees’ awareness and articulation of their job-related skills, facilitating communication about their job readiness to prospective employers.

This is achieved through a combination of semesterly evaluation cycles using the Career Launch platform and Crucial Conversations.



Crucial Conversations: Supervisors conduct one-on-one guided conversations with their Student Employees a minimum of three times during the work cycle (August-May academic year for most units). In these conversations, teams will discuss:

  • Goals for the first half of the work cycle (Fall semester for most units).
  • Fall semester evaluations (Conducted in November/December for most units)
  • Spring semester evaluations (Conducted in April/May for most units)

All University Life units hiring student employees categorized as student wage, graduate assistants, and Federal Work Study are required to participate and have a Point of Contact. This includes graduate and undergraduate student employees.

Point of Contact: Each unit appoints a Growth Point of Contact to act as an intermediary between the unit’s Supervisors and the Growth Working Group, be a user of Career Launch, and to communicate issues such as expectations, deadlines and troubleshooting.

Growth Rubric

The Growth Program evaluates students’ career readiness based on the 8 NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) Competencies. Each student will receive a 1-7 rating in each competency below:

  1. Professionalism
  2. Communication
  3. Technology
  4. Teamwork
  5. Critical Thinking
  6. Career & Self Development
  7. Leadership
  8. Equity and Inclusion

Growth Timeline

Exact deadlines will vary per semester

Fall Growth Deadlines
Mid-October: Finalize & Send Student Roster to Program Administrator
End of October - Early November: Student & Supervisor Evals
Mid November - Early December: Crucial Conversation #2
Early December: Evaluation Completion Date

Spring 2024 Growth Deadlines
Early March - Mid March: Finalize & Send Student Roster to Program Administrator
Late March - Mid April: Student & Supervisor Evals
Early April - Late April: Crucial Conversation #3
Early May: Evaluation Completion Date