University Life

ADVANCE grows for fall 2019, offering more pathways to a four-year degree

Adeline Vo can sum up in four words her experience in the ADVANCE Program, a transfer pathway between Northern Virginia Community College and George Mason University that aligns curriculum, financial aid, advising and other student services.

“Complete peace of mind,” said Vo, 25, who in addition to attending classes at NOVA manages a hair and nail salon in Washington, D.C. “The only problem I need to focus on is going to work and getting the grades. All the white noise in between isn’t an issue as much anymore. That should be how it is.”

Hundreds of students and their families are making that same discovery. In the second year of the ADVANCE Program, more than 690 students are enrolled, including nearly 400 students who joined this fall. ADVANCE now offers 102 pathways in various degrees—five times as many as when it launched last year.

Read More about the ADVANCE Program