University Life

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics for Students April 21 and 23

Dear Patriots,

George Mason University is pleased to offer COVID-19 vaccination clinics for students on Wednesday, April 21, and on Friday, April 23.

Students will receive an email invitation to schedule an appointment. Mason students, faculty staff, and contractors should monitor their email inbox, as invitations to make an appointment at these and future clinics may come as soon as two days before the clinic date.

These clinics are offered at EagleBank Arena on the Fairfax Campus, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Health and regional public health agencies.

This plan is based on vaccine availability and subject to change. If a change is needed, Mason will offer additional clinics for all members of the Mason community at a later date as vaccine becomes available.

If you have already scheduled an appointment to receive vaccine (first or second dose) at another clinic, please keep that appointment.

Mason is offering Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at these two clinics, which requires two doses, three or four weeks apart respectively. Students who receive their first dose of vaccine at Mason will have an opportunity to schedule their second dose at Mason even if the second dose needs to be scheduled after the spring semester ends. Students who do not reside locally or cannot come back to Mason for their second dose, should schedule their second dose near their permanent residence.

If you have received one or both doses of vaccine, please continue to complete the Mason COVID Health Check daily, participate in COVID surveillance testing when invited, wear a mask in public spaces, and follow public health and safety precautions to avoid spreading the coronavirus.

Together we can crush COVID. Thank you for doing your part to protect the Mason Nation.


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