Every Student Succeeds
The University Life Faculty Fellows Program provides meaningful and enriching opportunities for Mason faculty to collaborate with University Life on projects that connect faculty interests and expertise with UL divisional, departmental, institutional, and student needs.
- To forge educational partnerships with faculty to improve overall student and institutional performance;
- To capitalize on the collective wisdom of faculty and UL staff to engage students in active learning and development within and outside the classroom;
- To infuse the educational experience with curricular and co- curricular programs that prepare students to become engaged lifelong learners and effective citizens;
- To provide faculty the opportunity to partner with UL in achieving our vision: Every Student Succeeds.
- Receive a $5,000 academic year stipend or a course release (as negotiated with your department chair);
- Gain an opportunity to share your skills and expertise in new and unique ways that benefit both you and the university;
- Become further engaged with University Life programs and services;
- Departmental: Activities take place in direct connection with one primary University Life department.
- Divisional: Activities cut across a broad range of areas in support of University Life programs, services or initiatives.
- Project-Based: Activities are directed toward a pre-determined area of focus in support of the student experience.
Faculty Fellows have a unique opportunity to develop innovative new programs and services that enhance student learning and benefit the George Mason University community at-large. The possibilities are endless! You can view our Faculty Fellow Bios and Reports here. A few of our past examples of fellowship activities have included:
- Collaboration in the construction of a stormwater management system, highlighting the importance of ecological awareness and sustainability.
- Providing mentoring and support for Mason Korea students in Fairfax.
- Collaboration with the LEAD office in the creation of modules and workshops.
- Implementation of peace building and community development strategies with student affairs colleagues
- Partnership with the LGBTQ+ Resources Center to co-create a research repository and faculty guide for chosen names and pronouns.
- Fellows are expected to maintain ongoing contact with their designated University Life point of contact throughout the term of the fellowship;
- Fellows are expected to attend departmental and/or division- wide meetings as appropriate;
- Fellows are expected to dedicate at minimum 50 hours per appointment toward their University Life appointment. At the conclusion of the fellowship appointment, fellows are expected to submit a brief report that summarizes their activities and impact.
- Fellows are strongly encouraged to present on the scope and/or outcomes of their work at the University Life Student Success Symposium, which takes place in June.
- UL points of contact are expected to identify appropriate forums for communicating about the work of their fellow.
Appointments may be completed during some combination of summer, fall or spring terms or for the full academic year, depending on the nature of the project, interest, and availability.
- Fellowship appointments are open to all term, tenure-track, and tenured instructional faculty.
- Appointments are granted one time per academic year. Certain projects may be designed to be renewable for a second year)
- Past fellows are invited to apply; however, preference will be given to first-time applicants.
Fellowship applications are accepted two times per year with the following deadlines for submission:
Fall: Apply by March 1 Extended to March 24, 2025
- notified by April 15
Spring: Apply by October 1
- notified by November 15
University Life staff: Do you have a project idea that you would like to promote to prospective UL Faculty Fellows? Is your unit looking to work with a fellow directly? Email Lori Scher at [email protected] with your ideas and areas of interest.