Although we are unable to provide our traditional, in-person events, we are committed to helping you create your own Family Weekend 2020 experience!
Event Highlights
We are offering live events that you can participate in from the comfort of your home. Online registration is required for most events, and the registration links are listed within the Schedule of Events at
- Faculty Spotlights
- Oct. 23, 7 p.m.: #LivingWhileBlack: Social Justice in the Age of Social Media featuring Dr. Shayna Maskell
- Oct. 31, 7 p.m.: Inside the Real Criminal Minds featuring Dr. Mary Ellen O’Toole
- Nov. 12, 5:30 p.m.: Exploring Emerging Infectious Disease and COVID-19 featuring Dr. Amira Roess
- Events with Senior Leaders
- Oct. 30; 5:30 p.m.: Meet Rose Pascarell, Vice President for University Life
- Nov. 9; 1 p.m.: Lunch with Provost Mark Ginsberg
- Virtual Cooking Class: Oct. 25, 12 p.m.: Let’s Do Brunch! featuring Mason Dining Chefs
- Theme Week: Dress up and take fun and silly pictures with your Mason family! Take pictures in your outfits of the day using our online photo booth with frames and filters made specifically for Family Weekend 2020. Post them on your socials and hashtag #VFW20
- Oct. 26: Mason Spirit Monday (Mason-related items and colors)
- Oct. 27: Touchdown Tuesday (athletic apparel from your favorite sports team)
- Oct. 28: Time Warp Wednesday (clothing items synonymous with specific decades)
- Oct. 29: Vacay Thursday (vacation wear)
- Oct. 30: Fantasy Friday (favorite fictional television, film, comic, or book character)
- Oct. 31: Halloween (costume or fall apparel)
Digital Activity Guides
In addition to our scheduled events that will be held in real time, we encourage you to explore our Digital Activity Guides. Whether you’re exploring NoVA or staying home, engage in your own activities to make this Family Weekend one you won’t soon forget! These guides include local activities that are good for social distancing, dining, and shopping that will keep your Mason family entertained throughout the fall season.
2020 Alan and Sally Merten Family of the Year Award
Mason students are encouraged to nominate their family for the 10th annual Alan and Sally Merten Family of the Year Award! Students can submit either a written essay or a creative work of art discussing why their family is worthy of being the Family of the Year. The winning family will receive a $100 gift card to the University Bookstore, a featured article on, and be featured on the cover of the 2021-2022 Mason Family Calendar. Applications are open now and close on Nov. 6.
If you have any questions regarding Family Weekend, visit or contact New Student and Family Programs at [email protected] or (703) 993-2475.