On Thursday, June 18, 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a decision to uphold the decision to maintain Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which provides work permits and protection from deportation for close to 700,000 DACA recipients in the United States. We are very happy about this decision and acknowledge that even in times of difficulty and tremendous change in the United States, it is also important to recognize the wave of positive decisions and actions that can happen when the voices of a community are heard.
DACA has opened up educational pathways for our students and for many others across the country through access to admissions, in-state tuition, and financial resources. DACA recipients at George Mason University contribute to and shape our campus culture and identity. This decision from the Supreme Court will continue to grant access to higher education for some of the best and brightest students in the United States.
We want to take this time to communicate ODIME & LGBTQ+ Resources’ strong and continuous support for our DACA recipients and their families. We will work with DACA recipients to continue to connect them with legal service providers on and off campus, mental and physical health services, and other support services to support their success at Mason. Below are resources for students and also for YOU to learn more about how you can help!
You are also welcomed to reach out to the Student Access and Equity team within ODIME & LGBTQ+ Resources to learn more by emailing Dr. Amber Holton-Thomas, Associate Director of Student Access and Equity (ahampto@gmu.edu).
Financial Support:
• Emergency Fund (accepting Summer 2020 applications)
• First Gen Next Gen Fund Scholarship (Spring 2021 applications due in November). For more information email fgng@gmu.edu
Emotional Support:
• Counseling and Academic Programs and Services (CAPS) Link: https://caps.gmu.edu/
• Student Support and Advocacy Center (SSAC) Link: https://ssac.gmu.edu/
Peer Support:
• Connect with Mason DREAMers, the primary collective of students who support and advocate for students who are undocumented, DACAmented, and who have TPS and their families.
• Website: https://www.masondreamers.org/
• Email: gmumasondreamers@gmail.com
• Social Media: Twitter @MasonDREAMers | Instagram @masondreamers
Legal Support:
• Legal Aid Justice Center (Falls Church) Link: https://www.justice4all.org/
• Ayuda (Fairfax) Link: https://www.ayuda.com/
• CASA (Woodbridge) Link: http://www.wearecasa.org/
• Just Neighbors (Annandale) Link: https://www.justneighbors.org/
What else can you do as a person who holds citizenship in the United States?
• Review policies or procedures in your department that might have additional barriers for undocumented or DACAmented students – if you change something, let us know! Email Dr. Amber Holton-Thomas (ahampto@gmu.edu) who serves as the Chair for the Undocumented Student Task Force at Mason
• Educate yourself! Sign up for 1 of the 6 UndocuAlly Training sessions (3 in Fall | 3 in Spring) offered this academic year.
• Review resources on the ODIME & LGBTQ+ Resources Website: https://www.gmu.edu/financial-aid/eligibility/undocumented-daca-students
To the DACA students, faculty, and staff, know that you have the full support of our department. We remain as supportive as ever of DACA recipients and other immigrants learning and working in our community, and remain committed to enabling the continued success of DACA recipients and to securing permanent relief for these aspiring Americans.
ODIME & LGBTQ+ Resources