University Life

Upcoming Supreme Court decisions

Dear Patriots:

In the coming days, the United States Supreme Court is expected to hand down several landmark decisions of a magnitude that may provoke vocal, public reactions from people on all sides of the issues being adjudicated. We also know the impact of those decisions may weigh differently, and have different consequences, for different community members.

We are writing to reaffirm that George Mason University is a community of active and engaged scholars, students, and professionals who embody our motto of Freedom and Learning. As such we strongly encourage everyone who is moved to raise their voices by whatever the Supreme Court may release to do so lawfully and safely.

Mason is proud to be a university that is recognized for fostering an environment that welcomes free speech for all. Mason consistently earns a top national ranking for its campus climate from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). In 2021 Mason ranked No. 12 nationally for encouraging free speech when FIRE assessed tolerance for liberal and conservative speakers, students’ comfort in expressing ideas and having difficult conversations, administrative support for free speech, and student tolerance of disruptive conduct.

To that end, Mason maintains online resources to guide legal and safe First Amendment expressions, which can be found on our Mason Climate web page and our Free Speech at Mason web page.  We encourage everyone who may consider demonstrating either in support of or opposition to anticipated Supreme Court decisions to consult these resources in order to remain safe and within the laws governing our rights to peaceably assemble.


Gregory Washington

Mark Ginsberg
Executive Vice President & Provost

Rose Pascarell
Vice President, University Life