University Life Programming Grant FormHome / For Faculty and Staff / Grants / University Life Programming Grant Form Program InformationProgram title:Name of sponsoring organization:(office, department, school or college)Contact person: First Last Contact phone number:Contact email address: Who will be the person in charge AT THE EVENT?Is this an annual event or one-time only program? Annual One-time Describe the program and program rationale (150 words):Date(s) and time(s) of program:Location(s) of program:Is this location confirmed through the Office of Events Management? Yes No Describe the target audience and expected attendance:Describe the connection between this program and the Program Grant Mission:What scholarship/body of literature, if any, informs this grant proposal?What will attendees learn from this program and how will this learning occur?What forms of advertising will be used to notify the campus community of this program?What specific academic connections, if any, will be made for this program?For faculty: Will you require the assistance of an expert event planning consultant from ULPC in order to advise on the execution of your proposed idea? Yes No To date, please list efforts made for this program:Budget InformationPlease list all anticipated funding sources and amounts for your event:Please enter the amount budgeted for each of the following categories:Advertising/Promotions, Entertainer/Speaker Fee, Equipment, Events Services (Events Production), Police, Food and Beverage*, Other (please specify.) *If using Mason catering, a signed Food and Beverage Authorization form is required prior to event.Admission price/ticket fee: $Anticipated revenue: $How will revenue generated be used?TOTAL program budget: $TOTAL amount requested from ULPC: $