University Life

Faculty Fellows Form

UL Faculty Fellows Application Form

  • The University Life Faculty Fellows Program provides meaningful and enriching opportunities for Mason faculty to collaborate with University Life on projects that connect faculty interests and expertise with UL divisional, departmental, institutional, and student needs.

    Fellowship appointments may be completed during some combination of summer, fall or spring terms or for the full academic year, depending on the nature of the project, interest, and availability.

    Fellowship applications are accepted two times per year with the following deadlines for submission:

    • Fall applications: March 1
    • Spring applications: October 1
    *Note that the 50-hour minimum requirement may be spread across semesters or can be completed within one term).
  • Fellowship Category

  • The goals and learning outcomes of proposed fellowships are to align with the University Life mission, vision, and values.
  • Fellowship Activity Description

  • Please describe in detail what you envision to be the nature of your fellowship work, including:

    • Goals and intended outcomes
    • Fellowship activities (e.g. research, staff
    • collaboration, program development, etc.)
    • A general timeline for your activities
    • How you will assess the success of your fellowship work

    In writing your description, be sure to indicate how your learning outcomes are in alignment with one or more of the following University Life Core Values:

    • Inclusion and Equity
    • Leadership for Positive Change
    • Well-Being
    • Collaborative Community
    • Strategic Transformation
  • We also ask that you also consider the NASPA/ACPA Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Educators. Please indicate which of the following (if any) competencies will be addressed through your fellowship activity. (Check all that apply).

  • Please upload a current version of your CV
  • Accepted file types: pdf, docx, Max. file size: 5 MB.