University Life

Housing Move-Out Update

Dear Mason Residents and Families,

I hope you are all staying safe and doing well during these unprecedented times. Your health and well-being continue to be our number one concern. With that in mind, and in consultation with public health officials, we have made the difficult decision to suspend all Move Out activities until further notice. You will receive more specific information shortly in a communication from Chris Holland, our Chief Housing Officer. Please know that we understand this may present challenges, and we will bring you back to campus as soon as it is safe to do so. While this news may feel disheartening to some, I feel strongly that the safety risks are too great at this point. I hope you will take a moment to receive these messages of hope from myself, and Mason’s amazing staff, to remind you that we stand with you and we are here for you.

It is important that we find ways to stay connected to each other while we shelter in place and practice social distancing. We want you to know we are here and working hard to make sure you have every means available to communicate and engage with your fellow Patriots, Mason families, faculty and staff. Please remember to bookmark our University Life Covid-19 Student Success website, which serves as a central hub for all the resources and messages students will need to make the fast-paced transitions this unpredictable time requires.

These are precarious times, but we have come together in solidarity and strength. The Mason community will support you as you continue to reach your goals.

Honestly, we can’t wait to see you again. Hang in there, and please, above all, stay safe.

Rose Pascarell
Vice President for University Life

Mason Resident,

We recognize the Covid-19 pandemic brings new challenges weekly. Due to this fluidity, along with public health advice, all residential students will not be able to move-out before June 10th. We understand it is difficult to not have access to your belongings for such a long time, however your health and safety are paramount.

Beginning June 10th, each student will be given an assigned time to Move Out. During this time frame, a limited number of students will be allowed on each floor with access to the halls so that we are able to practice appropriate social distancing and to sanitize between appointments. Additionally, we will make sure that there are ample appointments available to accommodate various schedules, while still staying safe.

We will send Move Out sign-ups in late April, assuming that there is no need to delay to a later date, in which case we will update the check-out times appropriately and communicate with you directly. Until then, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time.


Chris Holland
Chief Housing Officer
George Mason University