University Life

Graduate Students

Did you know that more than 11,000 students at Mason are graduate students? As Mason students, graduate students are welcome in all University Life offices. There are programs, services and activities geared especially for you.

Graduate Student Life

Where to start: Graduate Student Life  is dedicated to supporting graduate students at Mason. The office is a hub for services, and advocates for graduate students’ unique needs. The office works to connect you with other graduate students across the university. It provides professional and personal development opportunities and information about campus resources. Whether you are a full time or part time graduate student, Graduate Student Life is there for you.


The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA), one of Mason’s many student organizations, focuses its efforts on advocating for and serving the graduate student population.

To find other student organizations, or to learn about starting your own, visit Student Involvement.

Graduate Assistantships within University Life

University Life is committed to the growth, learning, and professional development of graduate students by providing high-quality, relevant experiences in various functional areas within student affairs related units.  Graduate Professional Assistants are invaluable members of the Division of University Life at George Mason University.

George Mason University is an equal opportunity employer encouraging diversity.

Process and Timeline

  • Assistantships are available at the Masters and Doctoral levels and are compensated according to the unit’s established rates for the contracted responsibilities. Position responsibilities, time commitment, and compensation will vary by department and position.
  • All assistantships comply with graduate student hiring rules and regulations outlined by the Provost’s Office for Graduate Education.
  • Students must be enrolled full-time in a graduate program in order to be eligible for assistantships.
  • Applications are submitted to the University Life department/hiring manager and/or HandShake and/or HR Jobs posting as indicated on the position posting.
  • University Life hiring managers may request phone and/or in-person interviews.  Decisions to offer assistantships are at the discretion of the respective hiring manager for each position.
  • The majority of University Life Graduate Professional Assistant positions will be posted by mid-late March 2021.
  • For 2022-2023 academic year, most hiring decision will take place between March and May 2022.


Please contact Amy Snyder, Director of University Life Special Projects, [email protected] or 703.993.2884.