Updates to building access, procedures for reporting COVID-19 exposure, and events

Mason Patriots,

While campus is secured and virtual learning and telework are ongoing, we want to remind everyone of the steps we are taking to keep the Mason Nation safe. The university is developing plans to resume on-campus activities later this year. In order for us to understand when it is safe for us to return to campus, we need your help.

Report COVID Illnesses: If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have had close contact with someone who has, please notify Mason using the university’s confidential reporting procedures to ensure we are aiding students, faculty, and staff as needed and to track the status of our community.We can slow community transmission by notifying contacts to quarantine.

  • Faculty and staff must contact Human Resources and Payroll via this online reporting form if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, have been instructed by a medical professional to self-isolate or self-quarantine due to risks associated with close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus. With the employee’s permission, supervisors are able to report this information on behalf of the employee.
  • Students who are diagnosed with COVID-19 or are issued self-isolation or quarantine instructions must contact Student Health Services. If you are a student living on campus or have had contact with a student living on campus, please call 703-993-2831. All other students please use the secure online portal at: https://gmu.medicatconnect.com
  • Contractors who test positive or are issued self-isolation or quarantine instructions should notify the Environmental Health and Safety Office, safety@gmu.edu, to determine appropriate protective measures. With the contracted employee’s permission, supervisors or Mason contract administrators can report this information on behalf of the contractor.

The reporting forms ask for information about locations visited on campus and others with whom contact was made so that those individuals can be notified if quarantine is recommended. An outline of the university’s process for notification, investigation, and recommended precautions is available online here. Supervisors should consult the university’s guidelines on when employees or students may return to work or campus.

Building Access:  We understand that some faculty and staff may need to return to campus to conduct critical research, work, or instruction. Because all university buildings have been secured, you must make arrangements ahead of time with the appropriate contact on this list if you do not currently have and need access to your workspace. Mason Police are getting numerous requests to provide on-demand building access, which takes them away from their primary responsibilities. Repeated on-demand requests may result in a charge to your department for emergency access. 

  • Electronic Access: Card swipe access can be requested  online at https://masonid.gmu.edu/access/ or through the Card Access Security Office at 703-993-3127, CASO@gmu.edu.
  • Key Access: Key Control is available at keys@gmu.edu or 703-993-2823 to process requests for hard keys.

As part of securing the campus, spaces have been decontaminated by Facilities Management. This process leaves behind a non-toxic film or residue that will be removed during subsequent cleanings and before operations on campus resume. The film can be removed with a damp cloth or wipe. If you have additional concerns please contact Facilities Management at 703-993-2525 to arrange for additional cleaning.

University Events: As President Holton announced at last week’s town hall, that all university events will be cancelled or postponed until Aug. 8. If you have an event or activity that cannot be held virtually and you’d like to request an exception to this policy, please contact risk@gmu.edu. The Events Exception committee will conduct risk assessments on a case-by-case basis as requested to ensure consideration of specific event details are evaluated.

Thank you for all you are doing to keep our community safe. 


Lester L. Arnold
CHRO | Vice President for Human Resources and Payroll

Lisa Park, MD, MPH
Executive Director, Student Health Services

David Farris, PhD
Executive Director, Safety & Emergency Management

Posted in Coronavirus Communications.